Posts tagged leadership
Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.

Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart. This three-pronged mantra made popular by researcher and author Brené Brown is easy to recite, but difficult to achieve. This post is a reflection of my life’s continued challenge to dismantle the armor created by my own “strong back” that protects my “soft front.” Every day is a work in progress with new lessons to push me forward and continue learning, as a leader and a human being.

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Are you a Positive Influencer?

Educators have an awesome responsibility to not only teach children content but also soft skills about life. One of the best ways to do that is to model them. Teachers and school leaders have a unique ability to influence the next generation by modeling positivity in their interactions. How much of a positive influencer are you on a daily basis?

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Leading With Emotional Intelligence in a Virtual World

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantine that global citizens faced this year have evoked a variety of strong emotions. Even during typical times, leaders need to be in tune with the emotional temperature of their organization and adjust their practice accordingly. This article offers practical tips for how to create human connection when all connection is forced to be virtual.

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The Strongest Woman I Know

Lessons in leadership and humanity can come from formal classrooms and halls of learning. They can also come from everyday experiences. Sometimes you may not understand the lessons for what they are until much later. I am who I am as a leader and a human being due to many influences. But, one of the greatest influences in my life comes from someone that I consider to be the strongest woman I know, my Grandma Vonnie.

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When Leaders Can See It All

Perspective-taking is not an easy task. It is often difficult for people to truly step outside themselves and realize if they are making a decision based on what is best for their own personal growth, or for the good of the group. The most successful leaders, however, take time to consider and value others’ opinions, even and especially when they differ from their own.

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