Leadership Coaching and Professional Learning for Educators
“With purposeful and supportive interactive dialogue with others, Dr. Delgado is able to keep the focus on good instructional practices, relationships, and professional growth of others while addressing the implementation of high standards of professional teaching strategies to benefit students. ”
— Keith Howell, Director of K-12 Instruction
“Dr. Delgado always encourages staff to take on leadership positions at whatever capacity we are comfortable with. She allows opportunities for staff to seek out their own professional development interests and then present those skills learned to our staff. She creates a culture of leadership both for staff and students. ”
— Kelly Morawski, Teacher of Students with Autism
“Sara is an excellent example of what true leadership entails. She encourages her staff to excel in furthering their professional development. She created an activity called “REAL PLCs” where staff was able to come up with a topic they wanted to learn about, and she created opportunities for us to do that. ”
— Julie Van Tol, Elementary School Teacher
“Sara is a dynamic and thoughtful leader. She is innovative, resourceful and practical. Sara is driven to support the individual and specific needs of those she serves. ”